Cheap Tramadol Cod For years now–I’m not sure how many dog years, but at least several human years–Search Dog Network has enjoyed going to summer camp! There are two camps that we try to attend, and we thought you may be interested to read about these. url The week of June 19th, Waggie Pet Zone held the first session of their Kid Zone Summer Camp. Team Rocky visited one day to do a little demo and have some fun. Team Rocky will visit again for the upcoming session, July 10-14. The week of June 25th, Team Koda visited the Sam Houston State University College of Criminal Justice Summer Camp. For this camp, we usually talk about the role that search dogs can have in a criminal investigation, and if the weather permits, we do a demo. For this year, it was pretty hot outside, so Team Koda did the demo indoors. SHSU has another session the week of July 9th, and Team Rocky will attend. Tags: CommunityService, TeamKoda, TeamRocky This entry was posted on Saturday, July 1st, 2023 at 12:37 and is filed under Uncategorized. Feed: RSS 2.0
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