How To Help

How You Can Help:

Search Dog Network (SDN) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization completely supported by volunteers.  Donations in the form of cash, equipment, or talents are always welcome.

  • Current equipment needs which support SDN missions and training:
  • Donations are welcome to help us attend Wilderness First Aid classes.
  • Volunteer if you have specialized skills in radio communications, navigation, wilderness survival, SCUBA diving, or if you have an interest in joining as a canine handler or ground search specialist.
  • Attend training (a few times or ongoing) and act as a lost victim for air scent and trailing dogs.
  • Volunteer for construction projects involving agility and training equipment assembly.  Eagle Scout projects are also available in this area.
  • Donate occasional use of 100+ acres of land or large warehouses for training (dates/times coordinated in advance). SDN search dogs are trained to ignore livestock and wildlife.
  • Donate time by offering grant writing skills.

Email for more details on donations or to arrange a time to observe and/or participate in local training.