
source link The best way to determine if search and rescue (SAR) and Search Dog Network (SDN) are right for you is to come to training sessions with the team. This will give you insight on the team’s dynamics and how the dogs are trained. SDN formally trains on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm and on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am in the winter and 7:00 am in the summer. Please check the calendar on the SDN Homepage for scheduled training dates, locations, and times. Please contact the New Member coordinator before coming to a training session so that he or she can get together the appropriate paperwork. If you decide that you would like to volunteer with SDN you will be given a New Member Taskbook. This taskbook will guide you through the membership process with SDN. There are two phases to the New Member Taskbook: the Pre-Apprenticeship and the Apprenticeship. During the Pre-Apprenticeship you will be asked to complete several online courses, accrue attendance credits, and interact with team members and canines.

enter Once the tasks in the Pre-Apprenticeship have been completed you may apply for membership with SDN. The completed Pre-Apprenticeship, an entrance interview, and member vote are all required. After membership has been granted, you will move into the Apprenticeship phase of the New Member Taskbook. The tasks in the Apprenticeship will introduce you to basic wilderness navigation skills, basic GPS skills, boater safety, and other skill sets. The New Member Taskbook is designed to give you a broad overview of SAR operations and the membership application process for Search Dog Network.

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After Hurrican Ike

go to site SDN members prepare for transport to a search sector near Galveston after Hurricane Ike in 2008.

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