Brazos Valley Child Abduction Response Team

Buy Cheap Tramadol 100Mg Online BVCART is comprised of members from local law enforcement agencies throughout the Brazos Valley Region (Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, Washington counties), emergency management representatives, communications personnel, state law enforcement, prosecutors and various other state and local agencies and civilian stakeholders within the Brazos Valley region, who, by Mutual Aid Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), have committed resources to rapidly respond to a child abduction or endangered missing child event. This interagency approach significantly enhances the ability of individual agencies to respond to a missing or abducted child by:

  • Maximizing benefits from shared resources;
  • Facilitate access to specialized equipment and devices;
  • Integrate unique investigative, prosecutorial, child victim, and community expertise;
  • Maintain preparedness through continued training and exercises; and
  • Assure communities that all appropriate resources are integrated and focused on successful rescue of the child.