follow link Over June 7th and 8th, 2024, several of our teams were (re-)certified by an IPWDA evaluator. These certifications are good for a two-year period. Congratulations to the following teams:
go heresource url Wilderness Live Find: Team Koda: Katie Breland and K9 Koda
- Team Rocky: Kim Sauceda and K9 Rocky
- Team Chief: Elle Salinas and K9 Chief Tracking/Trailing: Team Halligan: Clare Wigginton and K9 Halligan
follow link Human Remains Detection: Team Seamus: Kim Stewart and K9 Seamus
- Team Gator: Teresa Medearis and K9 Gator
- Team Koda: Katie Breland and K9 Koda
- Team Rue: Eva Stump and K9 Rue
- Team Chief: Clare Wigginton and K9 Chief
go Human Remains Detection – Water:
Buy Valium India Online- Team Seamus: Kim Stewart and K9 Seamus